How to measure and individualize the learning process of your sales team.

How to measure and individualize the learning process of your sales team.

Profitable training control of your sales team:

How do you measure the learning process success of your employees?

Measuring the effectiveness of training & workshops is an important process in your company’s quality management. An often practiced way is to follow up with surveys and feedback.

But is this really enough?

A better option would be to follow Kirkpatrick’s (1959) four-level model that has them systematically work through the following four levels:

1. Reaction: how did participants feel about the workshop, did it bore them or motivate them?

2. Learning: did they learn anything? What content was retained, and what exactly were the participants able to take away from the workshop?

3. Behavior: Can participants transfer what they have learned to their everyday work? Does it change or improve their work performance or motivation in the long term? What content was particularly effective?

4. result: Can direct conclusions be drawn from the workshops to the work results and turnover? Is even a monetary success visible?

The recording of behavioral changes should be collected on a long-term and regular basis by means of a precisely structured evaluation process. The assessment of changes and efficiency can be done by the direct managers and evaluated afterward.

A comparison group, which either has not undergone any training or has undergone other training, can or should be used for verification.

Conclusion: The evaluation of learning processes should be taken seriously, recorded in a structured way, and be part of quality management.

The advantage of training control is the increasing individualization and efficiency of (sales) workshops. It also pays off in the individual development processes of your employees if you can offer them customized, efficient workshops.

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#sales #motivation #education #hr #education controlling #learning processes #learning design #learning process design

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