How to profit from the results!

How to profit from the results!

In previous posts, we mentioned some approaches for measuring the success of sales training and workshops and presented “TEA” – aka Training Effectiveness Analysis, as an efficient tool for monitoring the learning success of your sales team.

Now we will show you how you can use (and substantially benefit) from the insights gained from this analysis.

With the help of TEA, you can answer the following questions with regard to future training measures:

Is the learning development of your sales team clearly noticeable? Is this reflected in long-term turnover figures? 

If this is not the case, specify and individualize the training content.

How has your team reacted to the training and workshops? Are the team members satisfied, motivated, and inspired? – If your team’s enthusiasm is limited in this respect, might be time to look for alternative offers.

❓Are there still unanswered questions after a workshop? Or have there been problems with understanding the content? – In either case, more in-depth training should be chosen to provide your team with a solid foundation and a steady learning curve.

All decisions for future training programs should be based on answering the following question:

💹 Are your investments in the chosen form of training on target? and will they pay off in the long run?

For more information about TEA as well as tailor-made, targeted training measures for your sales team: ✔

#sales #sales success #sales success #success measurement #learning design #learning processes

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