The pitfalls of participant feedback in training 🔊

The pitfalls of participant feedback in training 🔊

In the sales industry, feedback sheets are still used as the preferred method to draw conclusions about the quality of the training conducted.

Unfortunately, it is a fallacy that the instruments ironically called “happiness sheets” 😀  provide a meaningful evaluation of the actual training success.

Although feedback from participants is important in terms of acceptance of the training measures, positive feedback does not necessarily mean that what has been learned will be put into practice. Especially since the feedback is usually obtained directly at the end of the training and the practical suitability has not yet been proven.

In addition, there are the following influencing factors:

◾ The initial euphoria and motivation increase the impressions.

◾ Not everyone can communicate their opinions openly.

◾ Because of the group dynamic, people do not want to disagree.

◾ Positive feedback avoids possible conflicts with the trainers.

◾ Experienced trainers might consciously influence the group’s mood.

Therefore, even positive feedback can actually be a distorted representation of actual perception. Valid statements about the training effects are needed in order to justify the expenditure of resources in relation to the benefits. ⚖

So what to do❓

Against the background of the pitfalls mentioned above, we have developed our methodological toolkit called >> Training Effectiveness Analysis << (TEA).

It provides you with a software-based analysis 🤖 of the before and after comparison of the training carried out. The dimensions to be considered can be determined individually, and the use and effort always follow our guiding principle of practicable feasibility.

We would be happy to develop an individually tailored learning and development process for you.

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#BusinessDevelopment #ChangeManagement #Feedback #TrainingEffectivenessAnalysis #UPGRADETraining #SalesTraining

Why measuring the effect of training is so difficult 📊

Why measuring the effect of training is so difficult:

Well…there are various influencing factors that have an impact on the effect of training.

Even in sales, “hard” indicators such as turnover or discounts granted are influenced by many variable factors, such as seasonal fluctuations, temporary supply or competition, and much more.

The difficulty therefore lies in establishing a clear link between the training carried out and the results achieved, which requires the use of appropriate analytical methods.

The legendary >> Four Level Model << by Kirkpatrick, developed in the early 1960s, is the origin of modern education control and is a proven model for evaluating the effectiveness of training measures.

It consists of the following four levels:

1 – Response

2️ – Learning

3️ – Behaviour

4️ – Results

But if we look at the training practice of companies today, almost nothing of this model seems to be in practice. In the majority of cases, they limit themselves to collecting feedback from the participants.

So what do you need to do?

You need a method that can make the actual training effects visible

We have combined various existing analysis tools into a targeted set of methods called Training Effectiveness Analysis (TEA). The core is a self-developed and software-supported before-and-after analysis.

The professional and sales dimensions measured can be defined individually for each company and each application, as can the depth of the analysis and the scope required.

We’d be happy to develop an individually tailored learning and development process for you and your team.

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#BusinessDevelopment #ChangeManagement #TrainingProcesses #UPGRADETraining #SalesTraining #FourLevelModel

How to put theory into practice!

How does your sales team perceive the analysis of sales training courses? Do your employees feel sufficiently picked up after the learning units?👈

We can give quite a clear answer: The pure evaluation of learning effects from the green table is unfortunately neither representative nor does it sufficiently reflect learning processes and efficiency increases!

In order to produce a truly meaningful analysis, you should take the following measures:

💬 Personal and direct surveys

🔎 Long-term observations in the workplace

👥 Regular feedback on learning development, and

📈 Making sales performance measurable by means of analysis tools via data and (turnover) figures.

All of this has medium and long-term objectives,

👌 To make the learning design of salary training effective – making your sales team even more efficient.

👌 To design tailor-made sales training that is aligned with the needs of your employees.

👌 Improve your employees’ attitude towards learning processes.

The design of learning and development processes as well as analysis using powerful tools should always be practice-oriented in order to achieve the greatest effect. This way you can maintain the satisfaction and motivation of your sales team and achieve – or exceed – sales targets💎.

✏️ You decide how theory comes across in practice to your sales team!

We are happy to support you:, Information:

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TEA makes the difference!

TEA makes the difference!

In contrast to pure participant feedback, TEA enables the measurement of behavioral changes and learning successes of your employees after workshops and training.

TEA involves a software-supported before-and-after assessment. The professional and sales dimensions measured can be defined for each company, as can the depth of the analysis and thus the necessary scope.

The advantages of this concrete, targeted analysis of learning processes and their effectiveness are:

✅ Tracking the learning processes of your sales team.

✅ Optimizing the learning design.

✅ create sustainable coaching for future development.

The aim is to sustainably support the learning development of your employees and therefore optimize your sales performance. 💎

As a manager, you establish a method with TEA that can make training effects visible while complying with the organizational and economic framework.

For further information and contact us at:

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How to measure and individualize the learning process of your sales team.

How to measure and individualize the learning process of your sales team.

Profitable training control of your sales team:

How do you measure the learning process success of your employees?

Measuring the effectiveness of training & workshops is an important process in your company’s quality management. An often practiced way is to follow up with surveys and feedback.

But is this really enough?

A better option would be to follow Kirkpatrick’s (1959) four-level model that has them systematically work through the following four levels:

1. Reaction: how did participants feel about the workshop, did it bore them or motivate them?

2. Learning: did they learn anything? What content was retained, and what exactly were the participants able to take away from the workshop?

3. Behavior: Can participants transfer what they have learned to their everyday work? Does it change or improve their work performance or motivation in the long term? What content was particularly effective?

4. result: Can direct conclusions be drawn from the workshops to the work results and turnover? Is even a monetary success visible?

The recording of behavioral changes should be collected on a long-term and regular basis by means of a precisely structured evaluation process. The assessment of changes and efficiency can be done by the direct managers and evaluated afterward.

A comparison group, which either has not undergone any training or has undergone other training, can or should be used for verification.

Conclusion: The evaluation of learning processes should be taken seriously, recorded in a structured way, and be part of quality management.

The advantage of training control is the increasing individualization and efficiency of (sales) workshops. It also pays off in the individual development processes of your employees if you can offer them customized, efficient workshops.

Need info on the topic of individual learning design? Contact us!

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Increase your sales through effective sales training

Effective sales training enables your trained salespeople to create high-quality, effective customer interactions that ultimately lead to an increase in your sales – which is why it is one of the most important investments your company can make.

Cost-Income Ratio

You can assess the profitability of your sales training in black and white via the “cost-income ratio” (CIR). Be it in the ratio of e.g. 1:8 or as a percentage value (+ 800 %).
An extraordinary increase in sales within 1️ to 2️ months is certainly possible, depending on the industry. With the right sales training, increases beyond a 100% threshold within the individual KPIs (key performance indicators) are not uncommon!

To achieve such results, a holistic approach is the way to go.

✅ Different sales personalities:

Your employees have different skills. Each person brings individual potential that, when nurtured, leads to success in a very individual way. Whether it’s communication skills, product knowledge, or sales techniques.

✅ Use of technology:

The use of CRM systems and artificial intelligence can automate certain processes. This saves your team time and allows them to focus on what’s important.

✅ Increase motivation:

Team members who are intrinsically motivated will be significantly more engaged and consequently achieve better results. This is not just about incentive programs or personal recognition. Millennials and Gen Z in particular want to pursue meaningful work and be part of something special.

An effective sales training program is characterized by careful planning and the consideration of each individual team member.

We’d be happy to develop an individually tailored learning and development process for you and your team.

👉 Contact us!

Better sales results through process visualization and simulations 

Better sales results through process visualization and simulations

Effective sales training should be more than the development of individual sales techniques. To achieve long-term success,📈it’s important to visualize relevant sub-processes of the sales stages in detail and to use adapted simulations and role exercises for the development in each case.

For example, the entire sales process can be visually represented through a sales funnel. This allows the sales team to better understand individual phases and the relevant activities within them -😀 starting with lead generation through to the closing meeting.

In the context of both onboarding and ongoing training,💪 short videos can simulate sales techniques and analyze various unique scenarios. With this, employees can become familiar with a range of actions that can be used in specific situations. Interaction-based knowledge bits via web or mobile apps also allow learners to shape their development in a lively way, independent of time and place, and supported by modern learning research.👀

Role-playing exercises can be used to act out potential conversation scenarios. This enables sales employees to experience (and improve) the sales process from both perspectives – the supplier and the customer.

Within the framework of an individually-designed development center, a large number of relevant sales competencies can be analyzed in a practical manner, and the insights gained from this can be used to promote various sales personalities in teams in an individually accurate way.

According to scientific research on information absorption, we retain 20% of what we hear, 50% of what we hear and see, but 90% of what we do ourselves😮. Therefore, it’s worthwhile to take time in the learning process design to develop accurate measures that enable successful learning in the long term.

We’d be happy to develop an individually tailored learning and development process for you.

👉Contact us!

Sales Training…? Yes, but the right kind, please!

Sales Training…? Yes, but the right kind, please!

 Looking at your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in isolation clarifies which areas individual team members should expand their skillset in, but to identify these specific difficulties, you need to conduct a holistic sales competence analysis.

◾ Example:

A low close rate or high cancellation rate may show a need for training in sales techniques on the surface, but the real reason could be a lack of product knowledge or personal blocks (e.g. fear of rejection).


Use the following 3️⃣ aspects for a structured, systematic approach:

✅ Data analysis

The comparison of current performance with the targets can give you initial insight into which team member needs a customised development process.

 ✅ Employee feedback

By surveying your staff, you can better understand individual challenges and gather specific training requests.

 ✅ External expertise

External experts or consultants can make an objective assessment of your team’s skill set and identify individual skill differences. They also know the industry-specific benchmarks and best practices.

 The combination of these 3 aspects provides you with sound insights to start targeted training programmes and boost the effectiveness of your sales team.

 Sound interesting? Let’s work together to develop an individually tailored learning and development process for you.

👉 Contact us!



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Dear manager – your contribution, please!

Dear manager – your contribution, please!

Managers play a central role when it comes to assessing who needs and receives which sales training. Although you can prepare new members for sales activities as quickly as possible through effective onboarding, possible deviations from the targets often only become apparent during active sales. 

These may be technical issues that still have the potential for optimization, or perhaps it’s certain personality traits that are holding them from developing their full potential. While people in sales tend to be more extroverted, we all have individual traits and it often turns out in practice that anyone can be successful in sales.

Of course, a manager can easily identify possible deviations by comparing the KPIs with the current figures, but it takes a bit more to identify the true reasons for obstacles. These can be completely individual and require targeted feedback.

 Besides basic training that is valuable for all members of your sales team, it often turns out that training tailored to individual personal needs has the greatest positive impact. The training’s success needs to be evaluated and adjusted with further support.

You can also derive the required training content from the skills of the best members of your sales team, also known as modelling. What specific skills do they have❓ What do they do differently❓ What training have they undergone in the past❓?

 The wider the range between the results of the most successful members of your team and those with the greatest (yet to be realized) potential, the worse your cost-income ratio (CIR), and the greater your need for action.

We’d be happy to develop an individually tailored learning and development process for you.

👉 Contact us!




#BusinessDevelopment #ChangeManagement #Consulting #PersonalDevelopment #Sales #UPGRADETraining

“Seeing what sticks” as training initiatives? No thanks!

“Seeing what sticks” as training initiatives? No thanks!


Who makes sure that the best sales training is chosen and carried out?


If you know your employees, you have the best conditions!


Find out where the needs are:

– What skills does each individual team member have, what are their strengths and weaknesses?

– What about team spirit and motivation, are they different?

– Have goals been set and are they being achieved?

– What are the reasons for any negative results?

– Where is there any unused potential?


You should select sales training for your team according to the answers of these questions.


The involvement of a strong partner who deals with individual learning design and accompanies your team in its learning process supports you effectively by:


– Conscientious determination of the current status with the involvement of employees and managers.

– Methodical, individual training programs.

– Experts from management consultancy, training, and coaching.

– Consideration of the corporate culture as the basis of motivation and behavior.

– Transfer of competencies into the employees’ own working practice.

– Individually designed programs with reference to your organization’s strategic goals.


Give your sales team the framework they need to improve their performance!


Do you need a strong partner? Contact us if you would like to learn more: &


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