More sales success with a Phase 4 team!

More sales success with a Phase 4 team!


One option is to follow Bruce Tuckman’s phase model. According to Tuckman (a former psychologist, organizational consultant, and university lecturer), the development phases of a team are clearly defined:


Phase 1: Forming – getting to know each other & building trust.

Phase 2: Storming – Conflicts & Conflict Resolution

Phase 3: Norming – Rules & Consensus

Phase 4: Performing – Cooperation & Efficiency


What does your sales team look like? Has it reached phase 4?


Firstly, you should identify the stage your team is in: What phase is it? How can you make the most of this and involve your team in learning and training processes right from the start?


In phase 1️, you need to use the enthusiasm and motivation of the team to set common goals and establish the systematic teaching of sales strategies as well as regular coaching sessions.


Open communication and recurring feedback sessions will help your team in phase 2️. As a manager, you should accompany your team in this phase in a moderating capacity and offer conflict resolution models in the form of workshops.


Through coaching and training interventions, you can support your team in phase 3️ in establishing internal rules so that they are able to transform experiential learning into actions.


Regular, specific, and tailor-made (sales) workshops in phase 4️ form and consolidate the further learning process of your high-performance team.


Look forward to motivated teams and great sales successes!


We’d be happy to help you create a learning and development process customized to your needs.

Contact & info: &


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AI in Sales – Act Now!

AI in Sales – Act Now!


While SMEs largely view the use of artificial intelligence (AI) positively, as it brings numerous benefits via application in sales processes, such as time-saving, personalized customer experiences, and increased sales through data-based product recommendations, companies also see certain hurdles to its implementation.🚧


The biggest obstacles are a lack of expertise, the complexity of integration, an insufficient database, and concerns regarding data protection regulations.😮 For this reason, Prof. Dr. Bernd Wallraff & Felix Broßmann presented 6 tips for the introduction of AI in the fourth issue of this year’s “Knowledge Management”.


1️. Basic understanding:

You should develop some basic understanding of the potential and limitations of AI when using it in sales.


2️. Internal AI team:

Employ a team in your company that not only has the technical understanding to implement AI but also brings sales know-how. It’s through the combination of the two that the true strength unfolds.💪


3️. Goals and feasibility:

Before using AI, you should define your concrete sales goals and match your expectations with the technical possibilities.


4️. Clarification:

Clarify possible concerns with your employees. Promote acceptance and strategic understanding through the use of targeted sales training.🎓


5️. Data infrastructure:

In order to apply the full potential of AI in sales you need high-quality data. A solid data infrastructure is absolutely essential.


6️. Small projects:

Start with small pilot projects first and if the results meet your expectations, adapt the changes to the entire sales process.


No matter how well AI works, it’s still necessary to have human interaction in certain situations. AI won’t replace your sales team, but it can provide them with the right information at the decisive moment🌟.


Let us help you develop an individually-tailored learning and development process for you.

👉 Contact us!




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Successful learning Satisfaction❗

Successful learning Satisfaction

Save yourself the trouble of traditional training!


You know the dilemma: Expensive training is booked that does not bring the desired success in the end. To avoid unnecessary costs and frustration, you need to design effective learning concepts. But how does this work?


Simply put, effective training processes fulfill the following criteria:

A software-supported analysis of the competencies of all participants.

A program that will methodically take up findings from modern learning research.

Meaningful training measures related to the strategic goals of your organization.

A workshop that is designed as a constructive and interactive process.

Experienced consultants that are taking into account aspects of the corporate culture as well as the attitudes of the people taking part.


Our conclusion: Only tailor-made learning concepts are effective. The sustainable effectiveness of these development processes can be clearly measured by the learning successes and the satisfaction of the participants. Be selective and have only training measures carried out that are actually needed. This will not only save you costs but also a lot of time and patience.


Interested in effective learning processes? Let’s get talking. 

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Practical Example: Variables make measuring success difficult

Practical example: Variables make measuring success difficult

As a manager, you’re interested in obtaining the verifiable effects of salary training that have taken place. However, do you limit yourself to collecting feedback?

More far-reaching analyses, such as the collection of concrete changes in the work practice of the participants, are extremely rare in companies.

These seem difficult because many variables distort effects that are supposedly easy to recognize.

Want some examples?

– Different levels of performance

– 🔮 The individual motivation of employees

– External events (economy, politics, catastrophes).

We have experienced a concrete example of possible misinterpretations first hand 🙈 After implementing a training program for the sales force of a company in Portugal, the feedback from the client was initially poor.

Sales even declined in the months following the program! The instant conclusion was that the training program obviously had no positive effect (to put it mildly! 😮).

Another three months later, this mindset changes:

New market figures showed that the turnover of the entire industry was declining. Our client’s turnover was also down, but significantly less than the industry average. This may not have been entirely due to the training program, but we’re sure it deserves some credit.

A transparent measurement of success that includes a wide variety of aspects can only be achieved with the help of complex, intelligent tools. TEA, our Training Effectiveness Analysis, is able to do this (and more!) with ease.

Need more Information? 👉

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Identify training processes! 🔍

What are the needs of your sales team?

There’s a wide range of sales training on offer, so it is all the more important to take a strategic approach when picking one. Is it primarily about sales strategies, and product knowledge, or more about the type of interpersonal communication?

Benchmarks and best practices of other successful members of your sales team can serve as an initial orientation at this point.

Consider the following criteria when selecting the ideal training program:

✅ Available time and applicable budget

✅ Specific training requirements

✅ Existing strengths

✅ Current motivation of the employees

✅ Individual learning styles of the individual team members

By carefully analyzing the needs of individual team members, tailor-made learning processes can be developed that meet the current requirements of your sales team. 🎓 This can be done through assessments, customer feedback, performance evaluations, needs analyses, and the analysis of sales figures.

Let us help you develop a customized learning and development process for your sales team!

👉 Let’s get in touch!

⏩ ⏪

#BusinessDevelopment #ChangeManagement #Consulting #Personnel development #Sales #UPGRADETraining

Making training success in sales measurable!

Most managers are rightly interested in training control because the implementation of sales training ties up costs and time.


Conclusions from learning processes on sales and success payments are often not objective. The influencing factors are manifold, and pure participant feedback or sales figures are not sufficient for a valid statement about success.


The most relevant method for verifying the learning success of your employees lies in a well-founded before-and-after observation by means of automated evaluation.


That’s why we developed TEA! TEA, also known as Training Effectiveness Analysis, combines the following evaluation approaches:


⚙ Behavioural analysis methods

⚙ Assessment of individual knowledge and skills

⚙ Self-image and external-image comparisons on various aspects of practical competencies.


TEA provides you with a practicable analysis tool for the training success of your sales team that delivers reliable results!


Measurements of learning processes are the basis for an economically, methodically, and content-wise sensible planning of future training programs in your company.


For meaningful learning design and strong development of your sales team!


Info & contact:


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More motivation, More success: How individual learning design turns your sales team into high performers! 💪

Your sales team should always be up to date with the latest sales techniques and customer communication. But you’re struggling to tap into the potential of your employees because standard programs tend to demotivate rather than challenge?

Then it’s time to think more carefully about your choice of learning design:

How about a sparring partner?

– Who gets inside the heads of your sales staff, identifies the roots of problems, and determines the individual training needs?

– Who responds to the needs and wishes of your sales department and defines common goals?

– Who designs specific, needs-oriented sales training courses on the basis of these points?

Individual learning design as well as long-term continuing education partnerships have many advantages: 👌

➕ Strong performance: tailor-made training processes help to exploit the potential of your team.

➕ High motivation/effectiveness: Learning processes that are specifically tailored to the requirements of your team members can motivate and have an impact through their practical, applicable content.

➕ Significant cost efficiency: Individual learning design requires fewer training units since you only train what is needed. Relevant content makes it much more effective and sustainable than standard “watering can” workshops.

And what about your sales team?

Feel free to contact us if you would like to learn more:

#sales #motivation #personaldevelopment #personaldevelopment #training

TEA – The key to effective sales training

Hand on heart: Are your sales staff looking forward to the next sales training or are they rather skeptical whether they will benefit from it at all?


Let us introduce you to our TEA.


How does TEA work? TEA, the Training Effectiveness Analysis, is a specific analysis tool that evaluates the efficiency of sales training by means of a before-and-after view and determines the individual training needs of your sales team.


TEA provides you with the following output:

– Insight into the knowledge level of your employees

– Efficiency & impact of past sales training

– Determination of competence levels & learning needs of your team


In the long run, you’ll achieve:

✔ A continuous learning development of your sales team

✔ A transfer of what has been learned to everyday working life

✔ More satisfaction and motivation among your employees


With the help of TEA, you can create tailor-made sales training courses and

inspire your sales team with relevant content!


Detailed information on needs-based sales training can be found at: &


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With trained sales staff to higher conversion

With trained sales staff to higher conversion

Strong customer retention, trained negotiation skills, presentation skills, and positive engagement: successful companies bring more to the table than product knowledge and a cold-calling strategy. Here are our four simple tips for teaching these important elements of sales growth:

1️⃣ Sales Training & Sales Workshops: Organised on a regular basis, these serve to train your sales staff. You can invite external consultants or use internal expertise from other departments to cover different aspects, and also support your staff by taking them to external seminars, conferences, or online courses that can help build their skills.

2️⃣ Set an example: As a manager, you need to show your employees how to successfully build client relationships, negotiate professionally, and give convincing presentations. 

3️⃣ Feedback and coaching: Provide regular feedback and offer individual coaching to identify the strengths and development areas of each team member. Coaching should focus primarily on reinforcing strengths, and only in exceptional cases on improving particularly obstructive weaknesses.

4️⃣ Role exercises: Simulations of negotiation situations and client meetings can help your employees practice and improve their skills in a safe environment.

By putting these tips into practice, you help your salespeople improve their skills. Contact us to find out how else we can help you build your successful sales team.

#sales #leadership #coaching #motivation

From the “Happiness Sheet” to actual change 😎

From the “Happiness Sheet” to actual change 😎

Managers regularly ask about the demonstrable effects of sales training, since it can be seen as an investment and so the financial and organizational outlay needs to be in positive proportion to the results that can be achieved. ⚖

How can you properly measure the actual benefit of training❓

There are a number of scientific approaches for such a measurement, starting with the legendary >> 4-level model << by Kirkpatrick. Nevertheless, in our experience, the survey of concrete changes in work practice is extremely rare. The reason for this lies in the fact that too many variables can influence and distort the seemingly clear effects of the training carried out. 📊 For example, can you cleanly separate the effect of the training from contemporaneous events such as a product launch or external influences in the industry❓. Consequently, many companies limit themselves to surveying via the well-known “Happiness Sheets”. However, pure feedback sheets 📝 which are distributed to the training participants at the end of the training do not provide a clear picture of the actual change. After all, positive feedback does not automatically mean that what has been learned is actually applied in practice. A good evaluation can come from pure politeness or social pressure. 😮   A valid statement about the actual benefit of your training measures and the assessment of the Return on Education (RoE) 📈 requires more than the provisional use of Happiness Sheets. This is where we come in 🃏. Our targeted methodological toolkit ◾ Training Effectiveness Analysis ◾ (TEA) combines proven analytical tools into a new innovative approach. The software-supported before-and-after analysis enables you to precisely evaluate the training carried out. We would be happy to develop an individually tailored learning and development process for you. 👉 Contact us! ⏩ ⏪ #BusinessDevelopment #ChangeManagement #ReturnonEducation #TrainingEffectivenessAnalysis #UPGRADETraining #SalesTraining