Valid training success measurement comes through objective measurement methods ✔

Valid training success measurement comes through objective measurement methods ✔

You can assume that the evaluation of participants in sales training measures will be consistently positive in the direct context. This is often due to the communicative quality of the person leading the workshop. This is why distributed follow-up feedback sheets are also called happiness sheets. 😀

However, if you want to measure the learning success of your sales team as precisely as possible (and not rely on pure follow-up feedback), it takes more than subjective feelings.

📌 The actual measurement begins long before the workshop. You can only make valid statements about training effects if you start the evaluation early and know the current status.

📌 A precise training success measurement takes all dimensions into account. In addition to sales development, it also highlights the personal factors of your participants. Finally, it also takes into account current industry-specific and global trends.

📌 One or more follow-up measurements are required after a set period of time. This measure enables further conclusions to be drawn, especially with regard to turnover figures, implementation in everyday work, and learning progress actually achieved.

TEA, our Training Effectiveness Analysis, provides a complete picture of all crucial factors and is essential for the precise determination of training success and needs. 

Do you want to offer your sales team more than just happiness? Measure training success, determine training needs, and promote a successful learning process!

Information on TEA (and more!) at

#sales #training effects #training success measurement #training success #salestraining #sales training #corporate success #TrainingEffectivenessAnalysis #TEA

Emotional intelligence in sales: understanding the kinaesthetic thinking style 💡

Emotional intelligence in sales: understanding the kinaesthetic thinking style 💡

Emotional intelligence is crucial in sales, as it not only influences the success of conversations but also lays the foundation for long-term customer relationships. It is particularly important to understand the kinaesthetic thinking style, which is characterized by emotional expressions and physical sensations.

The use of kinaesthetic keywords during the sales pitch plays a central role. Words such as “feel” or “sensual” create a deeper emotional connection, which is crucial for building trust.🔐

How can you adapt your communication to the kinaesthetic style of thinking?

📌 Pictorial language: Describe products and services with concrete sensory experiences to convey a vivid idea.

📌 Use examples: Illustrate the benefits of your offering with concrete case studies that emphasize emotional aspects.

📌 Include demonstrations: Live demonstrations or product samples allow kinaesthetic customers to physically experience your offering.

📌 Empathetic listening: Pay attention to non-verbal signals to better understand needs and respond appropriately.

Consciously adapting to the kinaesthetic style of thinking not only promotes short-term sales success but also lays the foundation for sustainable and successful business relationships.

Would you like to expand the communication skills of your sales team and are looking for suitable development measures? Contact us for individual advice and tailor-made training programs!

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#sales #customerrelations #communications #salescommunication

Training effects in sales:Correctly allocate sales increases!

Training effects in sales:Correctly allocate sales increases!


What factors play a role when you want to clearly attribute the effects of your sales training?


🌐 Type and timing of the analysis

🌐 Industry development

🌐 General global/regional economic and political development

🌐 Individual influences to which each team member is exposed

🌐 Content of sales training


And what are the challenges?


If we were to look solely at the ‘hard facts’, it would be the turnover figures that are available to us. But relying on turnover movements alone is a method that has proven to be too one-sided in practice!


An example of possible misinterpretation:


Imagine that your sales team has recently had sales training. In the weeks following the training, the sales figures of individual customers develop successfully. You are enthusiastic about the learning curve of your team, however, you overlooked one detail: The specific clients have a common denominator – they operate in the energy production sector, and it’s growing rapidly!


It’s safe to assume that the increase in turnover is not solely due to the training effects but to the general economic development. In order to prove the success of your sales training, other aspects would therefore have to be taken into account.


Intelligent tools for training measurement use a solid before-and-after view, include all relevant aspects, and evaluate them accurately.


TEA, the Training Effectiveness Analysis, is able to map all these factors with pinpoint precision.


For more information:


#sales #productmanagement #sales training #success measurement #salestraining #TEA #TrainingEffectivenessAnalysis

The power of listening👂: How to understand and use the language of your customers

The power of listening👂: How to understand and use the language of your customers

Listening plays a crucial role in the art of communication. Every customer thinks and processes information in different ways. Some are visually orientated 👀, while others rely on their hearing 🎧. By adapting to the diversity of thinking styles, you can convey your message more effectively and create a deeper connection 🤝.

For customers who prefer an auditory thinking style, auditory keywords and phrases can be particularly powerful. Consciously integrating these elements into your conversation can increase the resonance of your message and create deeper understanding.

What tools can you use to adapt your communication to the auditory thinking style of your customers?

🔸Linguistic nuances: Pay attention to words such as “hear”, “sound” and “understand”. These words appeal to the auditory thinking style.

🔸Stories and examples: Tell stories and use examples that have a strong auditory aspect to capture the attention of your auditory customers.

🔸Clear articulation: Speak clearly and distinctly so that your message is acoustically concise.

🔸Audiovisual presentations: Combine visual elements with clear auditory components to create a more comprehensive experience.

Understanding and adapting to the auditory thinking style of your customers can not only improve your communication but also increase the success of your sales conversations.

Want to improve your sales team’s communication skills? Discover how our customized development programs can support your team in the art of listening and responding to your customers’ needs.

👉Contact us for a personalized consultation!

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#sales #auditorystyle #customerrelations #communication #thinkingstyle

Customer success through understanding personal motivation 🚀

Customer success through understanding personal motivation 🚀

In the world of sales and customer service, the question of a customer’s motivation is of crucial importance. Understanding the “why” enables a more targeted approach and opens up the opportunity to better fulfill individual needs. 🎯 Customers have different goals and challenges that influence their purchasing behavior.

Knowing their motivations enables a customized experience that builds trust and promotes long-term relationships.

➡ An offer tailored to motivation is more convincing and sustainable, as it is geared towards the long-term achievement of the customer’s goals.

Practical steps to identify personal motivation include

✅ Active listening

✅ Targeted questions

✅ Observation of non-verbal signals

✅ Analysing past decisions

Understanding customer motivation creates the basis for more successful sales strategies and trusting customer relationships.

👉 How does your sales team find out what motivates your customers?

🌐 The key to network management: shaping relationships and creating added value 🌐

🌐 The key to network management: shaping relationships and creating added value 🌐

Network management goes beyond simply managing contacts – it requires the skillful design of customer relationships as dynamic systems.


👉  Because customer relationships are not one-way streets; they are complex, constantly changing systems. Individual needs, expectations, priorities, and the influence of other people vary, and it is crucial to understand these dynamics. 💡

The core principle of successful network management lies in creating added value for all members. A sustainable network is based on mutual benefit and a win-win situation. If each member derives added value from the relationship, the connection is strengthened and the collaboration will be successful in the long term. 🚀

Once you have gathered and understood all the relevant information about your customer network, it is crucial to take active action and positively influence management:

🔹 Differentiation through service: you cannot directly influence the behavior of your competition, but you can differentiate yourself through excellent service. By building new relationships with customers, you can present an attractive alternative to your competitors.

🔹 Control over customer opinions: Some changes are completely within your control. For example, if your customers’ advisors know little about you or your product, change that by meeting them and providing the necessary information.

🔹 Request resources and support: You may need specific resources or support from your superiors, such as joint customer visits. Make sure you get the support you need to successfully manage your customer relationships.

Overall, successful network management is an ongoing process based not just on managing contacts, but on actively shaping dynamic relationships. This is the only way to achieve long-term success and sustainable partnerships.

🤝 We’re happy to answer your questions or support you! 🤝

Contact us at ⏩⏪

#sales #networking #customerrelations #valuecreation

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The importance of a well-thought-out customer relationship strategy map 🗺️

The importance of a well-thought-out customer relationship strategy map 🗺️

If you want to respond to your customers’ needs in a targeted and effective way, a clear overview of their relationships and influencing factors is essential. With the help of a customer relationship map, you can visualize complex network structures, identify key players, and understand the strength of relationships. The easiest way to create this map is with a drawing!

How do you go about it?

📌 Start by identifying all key figures such as superiors, employees, and other influential people in your customers’ environment

📌The customer is at the center of the map, surrounded by individually designed symbols that represent people, groups, and organizations.

📌Use different sizes and types of icons to show the relevance of each key figure and use connecting lines of different thicknesses to show the frequency of communication.

📌Don’t forget to include yourself in the drawing and feel free to use other symbols to emphasize other important aspects.

👨‍🏫 A coach can help you analyze the drawing and answer questions about the current situation and the ideal network design. Record your findings in writing and identify any missing information.

Look at the complete drawing and analysis to recognize which factors can be positively influenced and which adjustments will lead to an optimal result. Use your conclusions, for example, to make adjustments in the exchange of information with advisors or in the use of resources.

A well-thought-out customer relationship map is therefore an indispensable tool for effectively managing your customer network.

Contact us if you have any questions or would like support!

⏩ ⏪

#sales #customerrelations #networking #marketing #mapping

Successful account planning: the key lies in smart goals 🔑

Successful account planning: the key lies in smart goals 🔑

When carrying out your account planning, the first step is to collect all the relevant information. Once you’ve sifted through this data and confirmed it as clear facts, it’s time to set clear goals. To ensure that your planning process is successful, it is crucial to know the exact starting point.

Setting goals for your business requires a precise approach, and this is where the SMART formula comes into play:

S – Specific 🎯

Your goals should be clearly and specifically formulated to be understood.

M – Measurable 📏

The progress and achievement of goals should be objectively measurable.

A – Actively influenceable 📊

When setting goals, take into account the available resources and influencing factors to ensure realistic achievability.

R – Realistic ✅

Goals should be realistic and achievable to maintain motivation.

T – Time-bound 📅

Set a clear timeframe for goal achievement to create focus and urgency.

By applying these SMART criteria, your goal setting will be precise and effective, which can significantly increase the success of your account planning. Ensure your goals meet the SMART principles to define a clear path for your business and optimize your strategic efforts.

Want to find out more? Let’s get in touch!

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#sales #goalsetting #planning #smartgoals #accountplanning

Account planning step 1: How to handle information correctly ☝

Account planning step 1: How to handle information correctly ☝

Every interaction with your customers influences the perception of your company, influences recommendations for your products and services, and promotes long-term customer loyalty.

But how can you take a strategic approach to the customer journey to ensure that your customers have a positive experience and that sales figures increase?

When strategically planning the customer journey, precise information about salespeople, partners, and companies is crucial. In most cases, not enough information is initially available. This is exactly where you should start and differentiate between the information you collect:

Personal judgments vs. facts:

1️⃣Unterscheiden Make a clear distinction between what you know, what you think you know, and facts.

2️⃣Reflektieren Your judgments and your role in the planning process.

Gather information on the following points:

📌Customers – which customers are you focussing on?

📌Contact persons for your customers.

📌Network – all relevant people in the context of your products and services.

📌Value proposition of your products/services.

To optimize the collection of different types of information, you should check which tools enable the best information gathering and which resources are available to you to close gaps.

Successful customer journey planning requires clear distinctions, early insights, and effective tools.

Would you like support with your action plan? We would be happy to advise you!

⏩ ⏪

#customerjourney #customer satisfaction #sales #data #customer loyalty

Why the customer journey shouldn’t be a game of chance🎰

Why the customer journey shouldn’t be a game of chance🎰

The user-friendliness of your website, the sales conversation, the sales process and the evaluation of products or services influence your company’s reputation and sales figures.

The customer journey, a path your customers take through various interactions over time, allows you to build a solid relationship with your clientele. Positive experiences in this process lead to customers being more satisfied and more willing to shop with you instead of turning to the competition.

So why leave the customer journey to chance?

Without a planned customer journey, you don’t know which specific factors and strategies will resonate well with your customers. A haphazard approach will leave you in the dark about which factors positively or negatively impact customer satisfaction. It gives you no clear indication of where you can start to improve your customer relationships.🤝

Strategic planning of your customer journey is therefore crucial. This is the only way to ensure that every step along the way is geared towards creating positive customer experiences. This allows you better to understand the needs and preferences of your customers and take targeted measures to strengthen your customer relationships.✅

Let’s get in touch if you’d like to find out more!

⏩ ⏪

#customerjourney #sales #customerrelations #customerexperience #marketing

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